Be still my heart! I was just directed to the most fabulous article in the New York Times.
The New Antiquarians.
Check it out! These kids are decoratively right up my alley.

Hello Inspiration!!!!

Tim (love o' my life) and I have slowly been building up a collection of antiquities very similar to the above. It's quite a pricey labor of love (or rather, total infatuation). Those gorgeous birds etc. cost a pretty penny. Tim has been trying his hand at home taxidermy. It's a slow process but he's created at least one lovely specimen. She's a guinea pig and she's absolutely precious. I can't wait to see the others as he hones his skills.
I find the best things via other folks blogs. I owe this find to a most lovely lady.
Bee-Log is one of my favorite reads.
Ooooh! I'm off to estate sales and antique stores now!!!!
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