Friday, July 31, 2009

Les Décorations

Be still my heart! I was just directed to the most fabulous article in the New York Times.
The New Antiquarians. Check it out! These kids are decoratively right up my alley.

Hello Inspiration!!!!
Tim (love o' my life) and I have slowly been building up a collection of antiquities very similar to the above. It's quite a pricey labor of love (or rather, total infatuation). Those gorgeous birds etc. cost a pretty penny. Tim has been trying his hand at home taxidermy. It's a slow process but he's created at least one lovely specimen. She's a guinea pig and she's absolutely precious. I can't wait to see the others as he hones his skills.

I find the best things via other folks blogs. I owe this find to a most lovely lady.
Her Bee-Log is one of my favorite reads.

Ooooh! I'm off to estate sales and antique stores now!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Été Photo

Antique Pin Ball Coffee Table!!!!
This is my Mimi and Papa in the early 1940's (my grandmother is so small!!!!). I got to see them just after their 62nd Wedding Anniversary! They still hold hands and are the most amazing example of committed love that I have ever witnessed...

Tea and Keys! The key was to our room at a tiny Bed and Breakfast in Ferndale, California. The whole little town is made up of Victorian homes!!!!
(If you like Bed and Breakfast Inns, and are heading toward the Pacific, I recommend this site.)

One of our handful of Mt. Tabor picnics. We ate until we had a collective belly ache and then played Badminton.
Artichoke Thistle!!!! Just around the corner from my home. I never knew this is what they turned into!!!!!

Absolutely the best bathroom in Portland. It's in the ever so fabulous Rinsky-Korsakoffee House. The bathroom's not all this place has to offer by the way. Killer atmosphere, teas, desserts treats! Look for the white Christmas lights on the wrap-around porch! (And never you mind those few grumpy reviews. I'll have you know that our waiter sang our order back to us in the most amusing way. That (and all the other fabulousness) made up for the delay in recieving the check :).
I found this photo in an Oklahoma antique store. I absolutely adore it...never seen such a candid shot from this particular time period.

San Fransisco Chili!!!!
I hope all of you are having a gorgeous summer. I'm finally home and currently sweating positively to death in our 104 degree PDX to drench my locks in cold water again!!!!